Export your products to a price comparison service

This article is about the original Webnode editor. If your site was created in the new editor, you can go to the new article How to Export Products to Price Comparison Websites.

A price comparison service helps drive traffic to your website and increase sales. You can show consumers your products so they will find your e-shop more easily.

Webnode offers you the chance to add your products to Google Product Search, Shopping.com and Facebook Product Feed. You can use this function with Premium packages Standard and Profi. 

1. Enter the administration of your e-shop and on the right side choose "E-shop settings". 

2. Click on "Product feed".

3. A new window will open with a list of price comparison services. Check "Yes" next to where you want to register your products. Click "Save".

4. Then you need to configure export settings in the selected services.

TIP: The following links provide more information on how to register at these price comparison services:

Here's an example of searching for products in both of the above:

  • Google Product Search

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