Add a Facebook "Like" button

This article is about the original Webnode editor. If your site was created in the new editor, you can go to the new article How to Add the Facebook Widget.

When visitors click the button "I like" in their Facebook wall they will see a link to your website and their friends can share the link. What does this mean for you? You will attract more people to your website.

1. Go to your website editor and open the page where you want to insert the button.

TIP: If you want to show the "Like button" on every page of your website, click "Website template" and choose "Advanced Settings". Then follow these steps.

2. Click on "More" in the toolbar. Choose "Social networks" and then click on "Facebook Like button".

3. A new window will open where you can change the button style and color. You can also see the changes in the preview. Confirm the change by clicking "OK".

4. The button is automatically inserted into the bottom center of the page. You can place it in a different location by dragging it with the mouse.

5. Publish the changes so that visitors can see them.

TIP: You can change the configuration by clicking on "Settings", or remove the button by clicking the red X. 

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