Add music and audio files

In this article, you will learn how to upload a music or audio file to your website that can be played.

1. Download file

You can embed music on the site as a download. Detailed instructions can be found in the instructions here.

An example of displaying the downloadable audio file can be found on this page.

TIP: An overview of supported file types can be found here.

2. Play directly on the web

If you want visitors to be able to play music or sound directly on your site, you will need to use some of the external services. Such services include, for example, Soundcloud or Chirbit. You can also, for example, create playlists or check the number of plays through external services.

You can upload the file directly to this service and then insert it into the project as a widget via HTML code according to the instructions here.

3. Background music when entering the site

Background music can theoretically be inserted again as an external widget (see above), but browsers in general (Firefox, Chrome, Opera) block autoplay due to accidental sound activation and higher data transfers on phones, so the widget will probably not work. In general, we do not recommend this variant, rather we would recommend inserting the player on the home page.

TIP: If you need to paste the code into the header of the page or the entire site, you can follow the instructions here.

ATTENTION: Keep in mind that the copyright of these recordings must be observed when using music and sound files.

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