How to Log in to Your Email Account for New Webnode Webmail

In this guide, you will learn how to log in to your email inbox using the new Webnode email interface. 

To log in to your Webnode email account, use the new email address you created for your domain along with the corresponding password. 

IMPORTANT: If you are logged in to the editor with a different email, log out first. 

1. Go to and click on the Login button on the top right corner. 

2. Log in using the email address you created for your domain on Webnode, for example, [email protected]. Do not use the login email address you use to edit your website, as these are two separate accounts. 

3. In the top right corner, open the menu and click on Email Account

4. Enter your password again. 

5. You can now manage your emails. 

6. If you want to edit your website, log out of the email account and log back in using the email address you registered with on Webnode. 

TIP: If you want to access both your email account and the website editor simultaneously, you can either set up the new email address as an editor or administrator of the website or log in using two different web browsers (e.g., Google Chrome and Mozilla Firefox). 


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