Basic E-shop Administration

In this guide, you will learn about project and e-shop administration, the settings available before entering the editor—which is where you build and edit your website. Included here are descriptions of each section and links to related articles in our Help Center. 

The menu in the upper right corner contains links to the following sections: 

My projects: Here you will find a list of all the projects accessible in your account. 

My account: In this section, you can edit your personal information, including your login email

Purchased services and billing: Here you will find downloadable invoices and the status of currently used premium services. 

Knowledgebase: This link takes you to the Help Center, where you currently are. 

Get in touch: Use this form to contact our customer support, so we can quickly respond to your inquiry. 

Log out: This button logs you out of your account. To ensure all changes in the editor are properly saved, it's best to log out with this option. 

Project Detail 

1. Edit site 

You can edit website pages by clicking on the Edit Site button. 

2. Right-side options 

Premium plan: The premium package currently used for the project or the option to purchase them. 

Domain: Access the Domain Management section, register or transfer a domain, and see the status and validity of the domains. 

Email accounts: Access the section to create or manage your email accounts

3. Tabs: Overview, Administration, and Store Settings 

The Store settings tab, as well as some other features in the Overview tab, are available only if the e-shop module is activated for the project. 

Overview Tab 

Orders: Here you will find orders placed in your e-shop. More information can be found in the article How to manage orders. This section is only available if the e-shop is active. 

Store Analytics: In this section, you can track the number of visits to your website, and your e-shop revenue. A more detailed description is available in the guide About Your Website's Statistics.

Customers: If your e-shop is active, this section contains information about your customers. 

Discounts: Here, you can manage discounts and create coupons for your online store. Complete information is available in the article Discounts, Coupons and Free Shipping. This section is only available if the e-shop is active. 

Collected form data: In this section, you’ll find the data that visitors have submitted using your contact forms

Registered members: If you have password-protected pages on your site, you can manage registered members here. More information can be found in the articles How to Add Membership Registration to Your Website and Allowing Access to Password Protected Pages.

Administration Tab 

Purchased services and billing: Here, you’ll find the status of currently used premium services as well as downloadable invoices. 

Domain management: This section contains information about your domains. Here you can register a new domain or transfer an existing one. 

Email accounts: You can create email accounts here. Complete help can be found in the Email Services category. 

Backup and recovery: Here, you can create manual backups or restore your site from an existing backup. Information about automatic backups can be found in the guide How does automatic backup work

Administrators and editors: If you want to invite others to work on your website, you can do so here. Complete information can be found in the article How to Invite Collaborators to Edit a Website.

Premium website security: In this section, you can manage form security, IP address filtering, and antivirus scans. This is an additional service, and you can purchase it following the instructions in How to purchase Premium Security services

Cookies & compliance management: Here, you can purchase or configure the Essential Compliance Plugin by iubenda, for privacy compliance. More information can be found in the guides How to purchase the iubenda Essential Compliance Plugin and How to set up the iubenda Essential Compliance Plugin

Delete project: This button allows you to delete a project. Specific information can be found in the guide How to delete a website.

Store Settings Tab 

General settings: In this section, you can configure the basic settings of your e-shop, such as units of measure, VAT rates, email communication, and more. A guide with specific instructions can be found in the article Basic Settings.

Shipping methods: Here, you can set up shipping methods for your e-shop. General information is available in the guide How to Set up Shipping Methods

Payment methods: In this section, you can select and manage payment methods for your e-shop. Help for adding payment methods can be found in the guide How to Set up Payment Methods.

Checkout settings: Here you can add or modify information collected by your customer checkout flow, i.e. fields such as phone number, company billing or custom fields. More information can be found in the article How to customize checkout settings

Invoices: After purchasing a Business plan, you can generate invoices in your e-shop and set them to automatically send to customers. Complete information can be found in the guide How to set up Automatic Invoicing

Bulk product settings: You can manage the default dimensions and weights of your products in this section. More information is available in the article Set shipping price by product weight.

Product feed: Here you can set up a link to comparison services such as Google Merchant Center. Complete information can be found in the article How to Export Products to Price Comparison Websites

Currencies: In this section, you set the default currency in which product prices, shipping, and payment methods will be displayed. Specific information is available in the article How to set the e-shop currency.

Tax rates: Here, you can set the tax rates for your e-shop. Complete information is available in the guide How to set VAT rates for e-shop.

Contact information: This is for setting the basic information about your e-shop. You can set your company name, address, contact details, business ID, VAT number, etc. 

More information about configuring your online store can be found in the Online Store category of our Help Center. 

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