How to Edit a Product Listing

In this guide, you will learn how to edit and configure product listings. For information on how to insert a product listing, you can refer to the article How to Add a Product Listing

You can access the editing options by clicking directly on the product listing. A menu of options will appear: Add product, Manage products, and Layout. Below, we explain what each option does. You will also find a trash icon, which allows you to delete the listing (removing it from the page without deleting the products themselves—you can still access them by clicking the Products link in the top bar of the editor), and a three-dot icon, which lets you move or copy the listing to another location. 

Add Product 

You can add a new product to the displayed category by clicking the Add product button. You will then be able to enter the product name, price, and description. For more detailed information on adding products, refer to the article How to Add a Product

Manage Products 

By clicking the Manage products button, you will access the product list (if the listing displays only a specific category, only those products will be shown), where you can edit properties like the name, price, description, and photo. Complete information on editing products can be found in the article How to Edit a Product


By clicking the Layout button, you will access further options: Appearance, Show Products, and Filter. If you select a specific type of appearance, you will also see the option for Number of Columns


You can choose from 4 different product display types: 


Smaller photos are shown, with products displayed side by side. 

Large image

Larger photos are shown, with products displayed side by side. You can also set the number of columns in this view. 


Products are automatically rotated, displaying one product at a time. The customer can navigate to the next or previous product by clicking the forward or back arrow. 


Products are automatically rotated, displaying 4 products at once. The customer can navigate between products by clicking the forward or back arrow. 

Show Products 

If you want to display only products from a specific category or subcategory in the product listing, click Show Products and select the desired category from the list. You can only select one category at a time. 


In the product listing, you can enable a filter so that visitors will see the product categories directly in the listing. This feature is useful for simplifying navigation. To enable it, click Filter and check the Categories option. 

On the left side of the product listing, a list of categories to which the products belong will appear. Users can then choose from the category list. 

If you have selected All Products (see the Show Products section above), all created categories will appear in the list on the left side, allowing everything to be in one place. 

If only one specific category is selected, a list of all other categories, to which the products in the selected category belong, will appear. 

The option to create filters works only with the Basic and Large Image product layouts. 

Filter and Subcategories 

If you have created subcategories, they will also appear in the filter but only up to the 3rd level. More than 3 levels are displayed only in the editor for better management and clarity of the e-shop. 

Rules for Displaying Categories and Subcategories in the Filter 

1. If you select All Products in the filter, everything will be displayed. 

2. If you select a category with subcategories, products from those subcategories will also be displayed. 

3. If you select a category or subcategory with no further subcategories, only products from that specific category/subcategory will be displayed. 

The filter will also show intersections with other categories where products from the selected filter category are placed. 

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