Domain Policy for .no Domains

Registration of .no domains require a special procedure that we are ready to help you with. The domain name registration process will be completed only if you submit all information correctly. DonĀ“t hesitate to contact us if you need any advice regarding this procedure.

Applying on behalf of a company or other enterprise

1. Open the declaration form. Choose I represent an organization and click Continue.

2. Fill in your organization number and domain name(s) you would like to register. Click Continue.

3. Fill in Organization name and click Continue.

4. Fill in your name and tick the box I accept the conditions in the applicant declaration. Click Continue.

5. A new window will open with the files in .zip format. These files can be downloaded by clicking on the name of the file. You can also fill in your email address in order to receive the files by email. If you choose this option, click Send me the file by email.

Applying as a private individual

1. Open the declaration form. Choose I apply as an individual person and click Continue.

2. Fill in your person identifier and domain name(s) you would like to register. Click Continue.

3. Fill in your name in the field Applicant name and click Continue.

4. Fill in your name in the field My name is and tick the box I accept the conditions in the applicant declaration. Click Continue.

5. A new window will open with the files in .zip format that you can download by clicking on the name of the file. You can also fill in your email address in order to receive the files by email. If you choose this option, click Send me the file by email.

How to get your personal ID (PID)

1. You can get your personal ID (PID) from the PID automat. You can obtain it if you are a Norwegian citizen.

Tick the box I have read and accepted the terms and conditions and click Next

2. Confirm that you are not a robot. Click Next.

3. Fill in your first, middle and last name as well as your identity number. Click Next.

4. Copy the code that begins with N.PRI

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