How to set up a "Site under construction"

Before your site is completely ready for visitors, there are several ways you can prevent visitors from seeing unfinished site content.

1. Use the Page Lock function (password access). After the visit, the "User login" page will be displayed, which you can edit to insert the text that the pages are under construction. If you lock the project start page, all pages on the site will be locked. You can find more detailed instructions for editing the login page  here.

2. Hide pages in the web menu. This way, no one will be able to view the content of individual pages. The site will continue to be available via a direct link, but site visitors will not see it in the menu. You will find the procedure in this our  manual

3. Don't post changes to your site.  Publish them later and in bulk as soon as all site content is ready. If the page is new and there is an early publication, it should not be so bad - search engines index the content of new pages after some time, so the developed site on Google will not be found immediately.

TIP: Don't forget to mention that the website is under construction (for example, the front page), when it will be available again, what visitors can look forward to and so on.

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