Transfering a .dk-domain to Webnode

In this article, we cover everything you will need to know to successfully transfer your .dk-domain to your website. Part of the transfer require you to access your account at DK-Hostmaster where the domain in question is available.

The transfer can be divided into two parts. Part one involve adding the domain to Webnode by ordering the transfer and providing us with the domains EPP-code. Part two involves updating the name servers settings on the domain.

Part 1. Adding the domain to Webnode

  1. To initiate the transfer, order it according to the steps here. After this, our customer care will reach out to you via email (normally within 48 hours) to assist you further. Please check your inbox (and spam-folder) for an email called  "Overførelse af domæne xxx".

  2. Generate the EPP-code of your domain through DK-Hostmaster according to the steps below. You can generate and send us this code before completing step 1 if you prefer. To send us the code, login to your account at and use the contact form.

    2.1 Login to you DK-Hostmaster account at
    2.2 Under "Domænenavn" select the domain in question
    2.3 Select the option "Skift navneservere" under "Administrér autorisationskoder".
    2.4 Select "GERNERE KODE" and save the code in field "Kode".

  3. Once the transfer is completed, you will receive a confirmation over email. Approximately 24 hours later, you can proceed to Part 2.Important: If you use email services on the domain, and want to keep the emails services with your current provider, make sure to provide Webnodes customer care with the MX-records and SPF-records of your domain, as well as and any additional DNS-settings related to your email service. If you do not, your email addresses will stop functioning once the transfer is completed, and you will loos all emails.

Part 2. Update the name server settings

  1.  On the domain page of your account in DK-Hostmaster, click "Skfit navnservere" under header "Administrér domænenavn".

  2. Add one of the name servers (that you were provided via email by our customer care) into the field "Hostnavn" and select "VIDERE".

  3. Approximately 24 hours thereafter your domain will work on your website.

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